Need a free lift?

This summer, thanks to their new partnership with Casa Del Sol Tequila and Altice Cable, Rove is rolling out a fleet of 15 Teslas for residents and weekenders alike to hitch a ride in around Montauk, East Hampton and Sag Harbor.

Pretty sweet deal, no?

This Friday, Rove Co-Founders Jack Brinkley Cook, Gianpaolo de Felice and Casa Del Sol CEO Steph Sebbag celebrated their exciting venture with an intimate, lively dinner at Tutto il Giorno in Sag. The fashionable scene in attendance? Jack's mother Christie Brinkley and sister Alexa Ray Joel, as well as Donna Karan, Candace Bushnell, Nicole Miller, Jayma Cardoso, Brooks Nader, Candice Miller, Stephanie Nass and more.

Curious to see what you missed? Click through for an inside look at the stylish soirée.

[Photos by BFA / Madison McGaw]