Sag Harbor Celebration For "America: Now + Here"

by KENDRA SEAY · August 26, 2009

    [Jennifer Esposito, Michael Young, Paula Rosado. All photos by Patrick McMullan]

    Art collector Neda Young, hosted a party Saturday evening at her home in Sag Harbor for Eric Fischl, the lead curator of America: Now + Here, a touring exhibition of work by widely heralded and living American artists, poets, playwrights, filmmakers and musicians who have created work in diverse media reflecting on America today. The event included a diverse crowd along the likes of Paul Simon, Eric Ripert, Nicole Miller, Ross Bleckner, Jennifer Esposito, and many more. America: Now + Here is scheduled to launch in Washington, DC in the spring of 2010. The exhibition will then tour to cities across the country in state of the art semi-trailers specially designed to meet museum environmental standards and give the full art experience.


    More photos from this event below...

    Eric Ripert, Sandra Ripert

    Sandi Kero, Vanessa Fuchs, Ivan Fuchs, Iurele Minoret, Olympia Sonnier, Jennifer Esposito, Paula Rosado

    Eric Fischl

    Jennifer Esposito, Michael Young, Paula Rosado

    Kim Heriston Evans, Richard Evans, Brad Waywell, Anne Bergeron

    Vanessa Fuchs, Neda Young, Ivan Fuchs, Francis Young Fuchs