The Latest Addition To The Music To Know Festival, Gwyneth Paltrow?

by Anna Lombardi · August 4, 2011

    Wowzas! The line up for Music To Know just keeps growing. We mentioned how Royal wedding singer Ellie Goulding was added to the highly anticipated event, and with just over a week until the festival, the line-up may be getting the Hollywood royal touch with the addition of (drum roll please) Gwyneth Paltrow!This hamptonite has been belting it out all over the place these days, from her stint on Glee to the motion picture Country Strong.

    La La La, listen to me! [photo via]

    I can't deny it, Mrs. Coldplay  can carry a tune, but I am not sure just how I am feeling about this as a possible edition to Music To Know. Sure she is a big face of the Hamptons, but that is not what the festival is about, it's about good music. I hope this doesn't mean we will be sitting through a show tune set complete with her rendition of Cee Lo Green's "F**k you,"  I really don't think my ears can take it anymore.

    And if this happens... yeah let's just say 'forget you'...

    According to The New York Post Gweny is set to preform a short acoustic set for the VIP room of the event (the first day of August 13th). Although she has been asked to show off her pipes for the actual festival, she has not yet confirmed that she will be preforming.

    What do you think Gwyneth would bang out on stage should she commit to the Music To Know Festival? How would you feel about this addition to the line-up?

    Also, I recognize the difficulty in trying to tackle Adele, and she held her own, but please none of this at MTK (unless it was actually Adele, duh...)