The Other Ones...

by guestofaguest · May 29, 2007

    There was quite a stink coming off of the Montauk Highway and it wasn't from this guy:


    In order to give you a well rounded report of the Hamptons summer night life, we briefly checked out Star Room's party on Saturday night (The former roost of Lizzie Grubman).  At Star Room, no level of inebriation was allowing us to enjoy ourselves. There were anything but "Stars" in the Room.  We'll let the pictures speak for themselves:

    Star Room

    Star RoomStar RoomStar RoomJersey Girls

    Let's be honest here, we all have found the Hampton Jitney to be an invaluable resource at one time or another (i.e. you don't have a car, don't want to take the commuter rail, etc.). But it stops there. It wasn't started with the intention of transporting cheeseballs with their toothbrush and cosmetics kit out to Star Room and back in the same evening/morning. Enough of these Paris Hilton wannabe make out out sessions.

    Hampton Jitney