Are You Following @GofGHamptons On Twitter Yet?!

by KENDRA SEAY · June 29, 2009

    Getting a new follower on Twitter is the next best thing besides a day of rain-free sunshine for the GofGHamptons team and since we've only had about hmm...let's see, five days of sun since Memorial Day including today, we're much more enthusiastic about our growing Twitter family. We have now upgraded to 300 Twitter followers thanks to the awesome @carolineliner (who appears to be a fellow newbie and might need some followers of her own.) We have a long way to go before we catch up to the New Your City crew and their current 1,235 tweeters, so if you aren’t already familiar with @GofGHamptons, follow us now so you can stay up to date with everything Hamptons this summer! To our 400th following tweeter, we are confident we will meet you soon enough.