Twitterific Hampton Tweets...

by KENDRA SEAY · August 13, 2009

    @littleylittley - This Saturday in the Hamptons! @karaackerman. East of the canal- Stand Up!!! about 4 hours ago from web

    @rjhilbertiv Barron Hilton at public house. it's very funny 2:15 AM August 13th from txt ---------

    @hamptonsinsider Quest For The Best: Margaritas! Robyn Moreno & Nora Magleby search for the best Margs in the Hamptons. about 13 hours ago from web

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    @CarsonGriffith Add it the Lexicon - HAMPTONIES: (n.) Pocket-sized Hamptonites about 8 hours ago from web ------

    @ConradHilton Walking to the Jitney! Goodbye NYC about 8 hours ago from UberTwitter