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You also have a couple of films you're working on...

S: One is called The Dancer, I'm going to play a character that is awesome called Loie Fuller, who was a huge dancer that created that dance school Serpentine Dance at the turn of the century. I'm playing her, and Elle fanning is going to be in that too. I have a few others that I can't talk about because we're trying to figure out scheduling. I have 4 movies that I'm booked for over a year. but are getting pushed and pushed and pushed, and I'm like I'm like just going to do my record. You've directed some of your music videos; do you like being behind the camera as well? S: When it came about to doing videos for the record I asked someone to do it, and then they sent me a cut and I didn't like it, even though it was all my ideas, and then I was like I just want to do it [myself], I want to re-edit it. The first one I saw was "Monster Love." You kind of can't look away from it. S: I liked doing that a lot, I think that's the favorite thing I've made. But it's like the last real thing I did.
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