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Slide #9

DON'T Attempt A Cross-Racial Costume
Hey white people, I'm going to let you in on a little secret: it really doesn't matter how clever you think your Tiger Woods costume idea is (HURR HURR HIS DICK IS HANGING OUT HURRRRRR), or how many of your non-white friends told you they were personally okay with it, because once you start painting your face to look like someone of a different race, you have officially put on a racist costume. And that's not cool. Remember how we were discussing how people take lots of pictures on Halloween, and some of those pictures are going to end up looking kind of embarrassing in the cold light of Facebook? So maybe cool it with the blackface or whatever. And by the way, while I don't think any native Nav'ii are going to get up in arms about the Avatar costumes, I still disapprove because a) the Nav'ii are embarrassing Native American stereotypes, and b) that movie sucked way harder than anyone cares to admit.
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