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Miley Cyrus: Saliva
After TMZ dropped a video a little over a year ago of Hannah Montana chiefing a massive bong rip at her birthday party, her camp was quick to retort that Miley was actually smoking salvia divinorum, an herb that's actually still legal for sale in many states including California. But here's the thing. If Miley Cyrus actually was taking a hit of salvia instead of weed from that giant bong, she must love 30-45 seconds of pure, mind-bending terror that feels like an eternity trapped in a living hell. Because that's more or less what salvia does, 75% of the time. The other 25%, for comparison's sake, it doesn't do anything at all. Basically, salvia has replaced "eating a whole jar of nutmeg" as the technically legal tripping experience that you will only ever want to try once. For her own sake, I kind of hope Miley was just smoking weed, because otherwise she might think that she had turned into a giant computer and then feel the most profound, terror-driven desperation imaginable while simultaneously imagining that her circuits are rotting from within. Like what happened to me my friend. For more examples of why salvia is really only good for laughing at other people, consult this chart, or watch this helpful video on all the things salvia fans can accomplish. [via]
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