Spencer Pratt Strikes Again, Raps About Chicken Wings

by Emily Green · January 26, 2011

    Spencer PrattJust when we started to feel like our dear Spencer Pratt was holding out on us, the WTF fairy delivers what might be King Spencer's crowning dipshit maneuver: his rap song "Ain't No Thang".

    We can't get enough of Spencer Pratt or his batshit crazy delusions of grandeur. He's been rather quiet since his appearances of running like crazed war vet who believes he's still in 'Nam through Malibu and being a security threat while attempting to crash "The Hills" party dressed in the guise of a fat, homeless Colonel Sanders. But maybe this recent dry spell can be attributed to being holed up in the studio to cultivate his rap career. I mean, someone's gotta turn out some hits in the music market, right? Behold his latest leaked track in which he busts flows about the mighty chicken wing:

    Umm... paging Diddy, we have your next superstar. You're welcome.

    [Photo via]