Slide #4

This one is about one of my friends and what he had to face the morning after a ridiculous night of far too many tequila shots at the recent soft opening of a nightclub:
"It was mid-morning that [REDACTED] woke up to his neighbor in his living room tapping him on the shoulder. He was splayed out on his couch with all of his clothes and shoes still on from the night before, except his pants were around his ankles. As he came to, he did not know how he ended up in this particular state as his neighbor proceeded to explain that his front door had been wide open all morning. She told him not to worry about taking his dogs out because they had already "walked themselves." With several hours of the door being wide open, various pets wandering the neighborhood and no sign of [REDACTED], she and other neighbors became alarmed so she came up to his place to see what was up. She was checking to make sure he was alive since he appeared to be unconscious on the living room couch, pants down, with his front door completely open. Still unable to connect the dots from the information his neighbor unloaded on him, he spent the better part of his day collecting his car from wherever it was and cleaning his own puke from the interior and the side door where he had evidently booted at some point in the night. He received texts throughout the day from various friends to tell him how much fun they had with him the night before, none of which he can recall. His dogs are all accounted for and safe at home. I'd imagine he's still pretty mortified each time he sees his concerned neighbor."
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