Slide #3

::Friday, June 1::

Van Halen @ Staples Center
Did anyone really think this reunion, featuring raging egomaniac (and that's other ROCK STARS saying that) David Lee Roth alongside the notoriously noxious, hard-living Van Halen brothers was going to be successful? Well, if you did, you might not want to tell anyone else, because the new, happy, reunited VH has already cancelled the final 30 shows of their scheduled summer tour, making this L.A. stand their last leg. Rather then speculate on the million different reasons that might have precipitated this totally predictable implosion, we'll just say that if this, as always, may be your last chance to check them out. Ever. [Details] [via]
Rusko @ Hollywood Palladium
Do I like dubstep? Well, frankly, no, not really. It sounds like robot-rape, or perhaps a broken Frosty machine at Wendy's. But Rusko, more than, oh, say, Korn, is one of the original innovators, and when dubstep does work– as his often does– it captures an otherworldly energy that you'd be foolish not to respect. Besides, dubstep shows in Hollywood tend to end in riots; isn't a riot featuring a bunch of undernourished teenage ravers something you want to see? [Details] [via]
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