Eavesdropping In: Is Shawn Chapman Holley Back With Lindsay? MAC & Rodarte's PC Blunder; Man Smuggles 18 MONKEYS In Pants; Brangelina Hams Up The "Salt" Premiere; Villaraigosa's Biking Accident

by Emily Green · July 20, 2010

    Looks like Shawn Chapman Holley will be repping Lindsay today when she turns herself in [TMZ]

    MAC and Rodarte create politically incorrect cosmetics [NYPost]

    A man tried to smuggle 18 monkeys under his shirt through a Mexican airport. Yes, MONKEYS. [HuffPost]

    Brad and Angelina ham it up on the red carpet of the Salt premiere [Popeater]

    Mayor Villaraigosa gets in an accident with a cab while riding his bike [DailyNews]