Be A GofG Blogger For The Day!

by guestofaguest · January 10, 2011

    Do you think you are much wittier, much more connected, and all around much groovier than us? Join the club (or our comment section in this case). Well, actions speak louder than words, and this Spring, we are going to give you, our readers, the chance to show us what you've got on GofG. Be a blogger for the day! Get the bug out of your system before you really lose it and quit that kush job of yours at Saatchi to start a design tumblr with your savings account. Here's how it works:

    1. Submit an email with anything relevant (personal blog, Facebook page, Twitter account, etc.) to Put "BLOGGER" in the subject line please and tell me a day (or set of hours) you would like to come into our offices (in Nolita) to blog.

    2. Come in and blog! What do we want you to blog about? That's up to you. We will obviously be here for support and guidance, but mainly just want some new blood in and out of our doors on a weekly basis.

    You will be part of the "Guest Blog" posts and maybe even end up turning your hour/day/week of guest blogging into a full time gig. Crazier things have certainly happened.