Today's Newsletter Giveaway: Two Tickets To The Official Late Night VIP Afterparty Of "The Good Guy"

by SARAH MANDATO · February 19, 2010

    How to Make It in America's Bryan Greenberg stars with Alexis Bledel in "The Good Guy," which opens in theaters, today. We are sending a lucky GofG reader to tonight's official VIP afterparty at The Eldridge, hosted by the cast and crew into the wee hours and featuring the music of Chelsea Layland. SIGN UP NOW to win, and see below for details!

    Official Late Night VIP Afterparty for "The Good Guy"

    Late, late Friday night/Saturday morning, Feb. 19th/20th

    2 - 4 a.m.

    The Eldridge, 247 Eldridge Street

    This party is not for those who like to do the "I'm just going to the bathroom" stealth departure - it's late, so make sure you have some caffeine on hand, and get ready for a 4 a.m. NYC Friday night!

    If you aren't today's winner, be sure and check out each day's Gift Bag giveaways in our newsletter. Besides the top stories and best events going on in NYC, we are giving you the chance to be a true Guest of a Guest with tickets or treats. Nothing could make us happier.