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Rupi Kaur

Somewhere in the midst of the release of her first book of poetry Milk and Honey, poet Rupi Kaur (queen) has found time to subvert the societal disgust for menstrual blood, help other women to see the beauty in their unshaved legs (let the wildflowers grow), and run the kind of tumblr page that's straight up milk and honey for your broken soul. The self-portraiture of her photography and videography echoes back to Francesca Woodman's initial reclaiming of the female self and functions as a menagerie of beauty. As if her art is not enough, Rupi directly speaks to the necessity of supporting other women in press clips like her Women's Day address to Radford University. Yes, we've seen other women (Dickinson's prophetic fragments, Plath's boiling anger) claim the feminine in poetry, but poets of Kaur's generation mark a transition towards an artistic world where the suggestion of the female artist is not a weight but a lightness.

[Photo via @rupikaur_]

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