The biggest craze of the moment is clearly CBD, and without a doubt it is one of the most powerful antioxidants you can have in skincare formulations. Among the benefits are anti-inflammation (acne), antioxidants (wrinkles) and sebum (oil) balance. Kim Kardashian had a famous CBD baby shower, and one of her favorite CBD brands is Pellequr. They make an amazing Lavender & Vanilla CBD Skin Salve and even a CBD Bath Bomb that relieves sore muscles and tension. 

We like to use CBD infused oils like Herbivore's Emerald CBD Deep Moisture Glow Oil on top of our hyaluronic acid toner - it really helps with breakouts in between seasons by balancing sebum production on your face. Speaking (again) of hyaluronic acid, NYC-based brand Her Highness has a luxurious CBD facial oil that contains HA, along with omega-rich sea buckthorn seed oil, and smoothing Abyssinian seed oil.

Another one of our favorites, and probably the most deservedly hyped, is Saint Jane's Luxury CBD Beauty Serum. It's not only the most beautiful bottle we've ever seen, but it's very potent (500mg CBD). A little bit goes a long way. 

Other CBD oils we love are Vertly's Green CBD Face Serum (300mg CBD) which is packed with 24 nutrients and botanicals, making it a green juice for your face. Colbert + CBD Face Oil (600mg CBD) is one of the higher concentrations we've seen, and it also includes a small amount of retinol to exfoliate. Mary's Methods entire line is CBD based, and our favorite is their BALANCE Hydrating Hyaluronic Acid Serum - not only do you get maximum moisture but you have the added benefit of Full-Spectrum Hemp Extract with Cannabidiol. 

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