What have you found are the benefits of CBD in a topical sense?

In the midst of my clean beauty research I started reading about the amazing and promising early benefits that CBD was showing in skincare. I had already been using CBD for awhile as an ingestible after noticing how it helped me with my own stress and anxiety - so it's safe to say I was already a believer. More and more research was coming out showing that CBD is even more effective when applied topically due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It was hard to find a trustworthy product though- things were a bit suspicious to say the least, your options back then were really limited to a yellow/brown goop in a jar that looked like it was made in someone's garage. But the reviews and the feedback on these homemade products was astounding. I read a study about how CBD was helping people with arthritis. I sent some to my aunt who had been suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis for years and taking pain medication everyday, she called me a month later crying, telling me it changed her life. I think that was really the moment I was like wow nature is incredible and really dove into researching more about CBD, and other superpowered high-performing botanicals.

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