"Best 2K I Ever Spent" Learning French At Cannes

by SUSANNAH LONG · May 26, 2010

The afterglow from Cannes has already started to fade, but so overfed and overwined are festival-goers that the party pics are only now hitting the web. How about reviewing the action while learning some important French phrases. It's never too early to prep for next year!


You think we're joking, right? Wrong. FAUX. Read and learn.

L'ouef de la musique = The music egg.

Ce soir nous dansons dans l'infer = Tonight we dance in hell.

Je connais sa mere = I know her mom.

Pas une bonne idee = Not a good idea

jaune = yellow les sourcils = eyebrows

Tres Monica Lewinsky = Very Monica Lewinsky

Les yeux vont te manger = The eyes are going to eat you

Souris! = Smile!

Ca ne va pas = That's not working.

Est-ce que c'est Hayden Panettiere? = Is that Hayden Panettiere?

Probablement pas = Probably not

Tes mains sont si douces! = Your hands are so soft!

Je ne regrette rien, vous putains! = I regret nothing, you whores!

Le roi = The king

(We might have mixed up some genders. But what is gender anyway, but a societal construct? Anyway, the last time we were called upon to speak French was when the seventh grade French club visited a bakery and we had to order gateaux and petit-fours and les funfetti cupcakes all on our own.)

[All photos from KirillWasHere.]
