"Best 2K I Ever Spent" Guests Show Lindsay Lohan How It's Done At Cut Copy After Party

by Mara Siegler · April 5, 2011

Lindsay Lohan stopped by the Cut Copy after party at Riff Raff's on Friday as part of her Violent Sobriety Of Lies tour. The event was just like an AA meeting but with drinks, dancing, drinks, facepaint, and more drinks. Take a look!

People learn by example. This is what could happen when you don't drink responsibly.

If you lift up his shorts a little bit, you will see the words "Just Say No To Being."

"Straight edge!!!!"

No one is looking. Suck!

Flamingo juice=Totally legal and much safer than eating bath salts.

"Hi. My name is Brian and I'm...having the best time ever."

This bottle has water in it. Sparkling.

[Images courtesy of KirillWasHere]
