Behind the Pack

by guestofaguest · July 26, 2007

    harry potter

    When we saw this guy reading a Harry Potter book on the subway this morning, we were thinking to ourselves that we were a little disappointed in his effort.  I mean if you're going to be a Potter fan, shouldn't you be A POTTER FAN!  He should have been done with this book cover to cover Sunday night.  We never got into the Harry Potter hoopla, not back in '97, and not now, but we're still a little curious to what happened, though from what little knowledge we know of the series it's either Harry won or died.  So which one was it?  Can someone just tell us so we will know as this is obviously one of those pop-cultural knowledge things that you may need to know one day in the future.  We are lazy, and we don't like reading about wizards...




    p.s. When this guy got off train we noticed it wasn't even the latest "Deathly Hallows" he was reading, it was the "Goblet of Fire" which means he has THREE more to go!  So now we're thinking this guy probably wanted to be part of the hoopla and has gone through like 4 potter books in 3 days, we feel like we may have misjudged his efforts....