It's Friday, September 18th, Do You Know Where Your Celebrities Are?

by ANTHONY NATOLI · September 18, 2009

    While everyone in New York was caught up in Fashion Week frivolity, celebrities all over the country decided that they had better, more important things to do. "Like what?" you may ask.   Brad Pitt was showing off his newest facial hair decision, Latoya Jackson was cruising around New York in a limousine, Quentin Tarantino was showcasing his new movie, and Oprah was bear-hugging Regis and Kelly.

    Brad Pitt and the girls who can't seem to get enough of his dirty-grandpa beard at the San Sebastian Festival.  ...Is she about to vomit?

    A disgruntled Quentin Tarantino limp-wristed and holding a man-clutch at the San Sebastian Festival

    Latoya Jackson amusing herself by lurking and then leaping out of her limousine to frighten passersby outside of the Essex House, NYC.

    Oprah Winfrey considering cheating on Gale while filming her Friday show out of New York City

    [photos via Getty Images]