Daily Style Phile: Jonathan Famous, The True Mayor Of Nolita

by Rachelle Hruska · August 19, 2008

    jonathan famous

    In honor of Bella's end, I wanted to highlight one of the spot's famous characters that helped make it what it was, Jonathan Famous. Jonathan is a true NY city kid with an attitude...the good kind.  He's a character with a ton of spunk and a completely individual style, besides that, he has the uncanny ability to entertain hundreds of drunk Aussies on a bus when the music stops working.  His "tour" of the city that night (James Willis' Bday Party), was just a taste into the depth of knowledge of our town this guy houses in that hip head of his.  A part of the LOLA crew, the Martignetti crew, and god knows how many others, Jonathan is famous at being himself.  He is the true Mayor of Nolita, one that others can only aspire to.

    jonathan famousjonathan famousjonathan famous

    More photos below:

    jonathan famousjonathan famousjonathan famousjonathan famous

    [RIP Bella's 2006-2008] [James Willis Blessed From The Party Gods] [Mayor Of Nolita?]

    jonathan famous