Daily Style Phile: On Sharing "Holly G" With Catye Grieve

by Rachelle Hruska · September 24, 2008

    Last fall, before I "came out", I found out there was another Holly Golightly lover writing about New York nightlife on the web, (albeit she was Holly GoNIGHTly), and we both agreed that we just had to meet in person.  Cayte Grieve and I shared Paella in Flatiron, and stories of similiarity.  She is currently at Blackbook Magazine, writing away, and her name has come up not once, but twice this week...and it's only Wednesday!  A wealth of knowledge, Cayte helped me sort out some of our city's hottest night spots yesterday, and met a dear friend, and new colleague as well (who raved about her of course).

    More story and photos of Cayte below:

    As the months have passed on from our intial and very impromptu dinner date, Cayte has continued to make me smile.  She is an acquantaince that I will always look forwards running into, (the last time being at the Fingerpaint party that gofg co hosted with Blackbook and LOLA), with a style that is as original and charming as Holly Golightly herself.