What brought about the idea of a “feminine energy” party?

November is a time of gratitude and thanks, but more often we are giving and depleting our own resources to have others benefit. This idea was as much for everyone as it was for myself. In my own life I give so much energy to someone that I often walk away feeling depleted while in contrast they feel uplifted because they have all of this excess energy I have given them. We as woman, are givers, we create life and love for others, but seldom for ourselves.

As a child my grandmother would tell me when you love someone you send them your honey bees. You as are the woman are the queen bee, the hive, and all of your worker bees are filled with radiant energy to fly and swarm around the other person encompassing them in that feeling of tingling goodness. Typically when I love, I give all the honey bees and am left feeling depleted as the other party didn’t give any bees to the honey pot of love. This energy is manifesting energy, but in order to live in the Divine Feminine Energy space, we have to be in a receiving energy, we have to let their honey bees come to us, and make this euphoric sensation for ourselves first and foremost. I wanted a safe place where women could gather and become in-tune with their sensuality. As women, it is our biological purpose to reproduce, so our sexuality is at the forefront of our decision making and existence. What if we could be touched and loved for the sake of increasing our own vibration and ultimately giving back to the one person who needs it the most, us?

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