Ladies Who Lunch...For Dior At The 92nd Street Y

by TIFFANY ETESSAMI · March 11, 2010

    [All pictures by Joe Schildhorn for PMc] Veteran socialites met up at the 92nd Street Y yesterday for the 10th Annual Spring Luncheon, sponsored by Dior.


    Amy Fine Collins and Lori Kasowitz spoke to the ladies about the importance of saving all of the art and music programs at the Y.

    Clad in their finest pastel sheaths, the women lunched and laughed while images of classic socialites from decades past were projected on the screen in front of them. Hopefully, they also got around to discussing the issue at hand!

    Alyssa Shapiro, Bobbi Coller, Charlotte Blechman, Lizzie Tisch, Fiona Rudin

    Elsa Fine, Amy Fine Collins, Claudia Marchetti, Gretchen Englander, Erica Samuels

    Hilary Leibowitz, Jill Bikoff, Lindsay Boss, Lindsay Karcich

    Lisa Selby, Donna Stern, Taylor Olson