Yesterday afternoon, Tobi Rubinstein-Schneier, a founder of The House of Faith and Fashion hosted a high tea fashion event at the Caudalie Spa at The Plaza with designer darling of the Park Avenue set, Douglas Hannant.
[All photos by JP Pullos for PMc]. Dex New York founder Dexter Phillip and stylist Derek Warburton were seen among the ladies perusing Douglas Hannant designs and sipping tea and wine, of course.
Blossom Abrams, Bonnie Katz, Tobi Rubinstein-Schneier, Mimi Roth
Cathie Underwood, Sharon Inkeles
Douglas Hannant, Tobi Rubinstein-Schneier, Dex Phillip, Derek Warburton
Gladys Bagley, Rina Limor, Tobi Rubinstein-Schneier, Cathie Underwood
Meredith Cohen, Sharon Inkeles, Shirley Podolsky, Sharon Podolsky