Papal Skateboards New Hot Item In Union Square Skate Circles

by AMANDA MELILLO · April 10, 2008

    skate [Runner-up in the NYC Archdiocese Papal Skateboard design contest]

    The pope plates are here! The pope is making a papal visit to New York, and he's going to bring us salvation--by boosting our flagging economy through sales of cheap touristy crap. I remember when I lived in Italy and everywhere you turned, souvenir shops were chock full of papal merchandise--my personal favorite was the plastic plates with the likeness of the late Pope John Paul II and the current Benedict XVI, because who wouldn't want to eat off the face of a man that looks like Dracula?

    In honor of the papal visit, enterprising New Yorkers are doing as the Romans do--branding mugs, t-shirts and crucifixes with the Pope's face. One website has sold out of $12.95 pope bobble-head dolls. City kids in Union Square are getting in on the fun by designing their own "papal skateboards." This is, by the way, sponsored by the NY Archdiosese (in an effort to be "cool?") Go HERE to vote for the winner will be chosen on April 19th. Though the prize awarded to the winner isn't clear....(insert your own joke here).