Angels & Kings & Queens

by guestofaguest · April 4, 2008


    [Leven Rambin parties at Angels and Kings, Photo by Etta Shon]

    Go HERE for more photos from this event. (Um what is Michael Musto wearing btw? It's like some sort of hybrid-camouflage)

    Last night Patrick McMullan, Peter Davis, Sam Bolton, Sparrow Dr. Mark Warfel, Mark Silver, Luigi Tadini, Julliano DeRossi, Jamison Ernest, Scott Currie, and Alan Rish Hosted the Party at Angels and Kings. We had fellow blog friend MRod Nation check it out for us. Here's what he had to say:

    "Who knew New York gays, fashionables and Michael Musto would flock to a clarion call blared by PBR and Trump vodka? Not I said the fly. The party was held at is-he-or-isn't-he Pete Wentz's lounge/"dive" bar Angels & Kings in the East Village. Over the blare of music not typically heard in a dive bar, the well packed bar focused on each other and the bar where the bartenders worked like "hell" to meet the demands for vodka and [insert mixer]. The winner in the PBR versus Trump vodka appeared to overwhelmingly be Trump.

    "Scene" as I was leaving: Trying to get into this party was Gawker favorite foil Emily Brill. Operative word here is trying, as she appeared to have forgotten her ID, and was using photos in her phone to convince the bouncer that she was 21+. "See, this was me when I was in college." Allegedly.

    Interesting design juxtaposition at the bar: A gong and an AK-Faux7."