[Gallery Gen Staff. All photos by AMBER DE VOS for PMc]
On Friday, April 10th, Gallery Gen in Tribeca hosted an Open House Gallery for Yoshiaki Yuki, the renowned Japanese artist known for his elegant fusion of calligraphy and painting. Art aficionados were able to take in Mr. Yuki's paintings, screens, and ceramics, in addition to enjoying a traditional Japanese Tea Ceremony. Among the attendees were the artist, designer Brigitte Vosse, photographer Kimio Takeyama, Westwood Gallery owner James Cavello, and artist Yuka Hasegawa. The show, originally intended to run only briefly, was extended through Sunday in order to give patrons an additional opportunity to view the exciting new work. Mr.Yuki's work can next be seen in New York at the upcoming SOFA NEW YORK exhibit.
Hiro Otsubo, Kiyoko Otsubo, Masako Yuki
Valerie Foley, Jean Stone
Sarah Dupont, James Cavello
Mark Olman, MashikoTasaki, Yoshiaki Yuki
Masako Yuki, Tomoko Yagi, Kiyoko Otsubo
Saya Bliss, Dana Bliss
Keith Whipple, Barbara Fuchille, Ayako Sudo
Kaoru Hirigaya, Yoshiaki Yuki, Yuka Hasegawa
Brigitte Vosse, Diana Riggle
The Gallery