Fingerpaint NYC

by Rachelle Hruska · May 27, 2008

     I loved Emmet Shine and James Cruisckshank within the first minutes of our meeting in our Bowery office. The men behind the phenomenon otherwise known as LOLA, these two have quickly become my "go to guys" for all things hamptons, hipster, and hot. Which is why, when they told be about their latest project "Fingerpaint" I jumped at the opportunity to get gofg involved in some way. With two of other favorites helping play host, (Timo Weiland and Leven Rambin, along with Blackbook), and all sorts of sponsors, from Bar Martignetti to Svedka to Jawbone this event, like so many of its predecessors from the LOLA team is sure to be a huge success.

    Fingerpaint seeks to facilitate the exposure of talented young artists, through ad hoc art events at high-end galleries in New York City. Each show is followed by a silent auction, from which all proceeds go towards the Make It Right Foundation, building green affordable housing for victims of Hurricane Katrina. The title "Fingerpaint" evokes the do-it-yourself mentality often associated with youth culture, the childish impertinence of us "sneaking in" to these high-end galleries, and the firm belief that our passions can be harnessed to benefit the lives of future generations.

    For more information about the guys behind LOLA, visit our hamptons site, which we recently convinced them to do an interview for, or check out their own website, which has loads of sick photos here. We will be seeing tons more of James and Emmett around we are now neighbors to them both out east and on the LES.