The Fashion Community Speaks Out Against Industry Abuse

by Madison Russell · October 13, 2017

    No job should include abuse. Cameron Russell, who has been signed to Ford Models, DNA Models and Elite Models, knows the modeling and fashion world personally. She is taking to Instagram to shed light on offenses that go unnoticed and tolerated in the industry. She posted that, "hearing about Harvey Weinstein this week has sparked conversations about how widespread and how familiar his behavior is."

    In an Instagram caption, the model and outspoken advocate said:

    We are talking about a culture of exploitation and it must stop. We talked about how hard it is to share stories of assault. When they are the norm, calling them out can feel disruptive and unprofessional. On many occasions I've been called a feminist for reporting unwanted groping, spanking, pinching, pressure for dates, phone calls and texts of a sexual nature, lack of appropriate changing areas, etc. And because the response has always been "are you surprised?" or "that's part of the job" I tolerated them. When the offenses were bigger, calling them out is terrifying, and demands a level of exposure and backlash to what is already painful and sometimes shameful.

    Visit Cameron's Instagram page to read the brave words of so many men and women who are speaking up. Direct Message her on Instagram, or publicly use the hashtag #MyJobShouldNotIncludeAbuse. If recent events shed light on the predatory culture in so many industries, perhaps some good has come out of the atrocities.

    Cameron, thank you for sharing our stories. World, take notice.

    [Photo via @cameronrussell]