NYC Techies Do NOT Want To Be Socialites, Got It?

by Rachelle Hruska · February 5, 2009

    Go HERE for more photos of this event by JOHN NORWOOD and TAG YOURSELF and YOUR FRIENDS!

    Tuesdays' NY Tech Meetup "Mobile Meets Social" got us all excited about hearing the new things from several presenting companies, including Jeff Jarvis talking about his latest book "What Would Google Do?" (he's having another book party tonight).   What I quickly found on scanning the photos? Tech people do NOT particularly want to be socialites...or at least aren't keen on having their photo taken. John took nonetheless, evidence is below...

    Chris went and said he was highly entertained listening to representatives speak from Xtify, Mobile Commons, Flixwagon, OMGICU, Peek, viaPlace, and Coovents. If this sort of event is your thing, check out Social Media Week (Feb 9th-13th).