New York Film Festival

Check out this nifty guide from the Wall Street Journal blog of some of the happenings of the New York Film Festival this upcoming month: [Go HERE for more info on the NYFF] -
Friday, September 30
“Carnage” — Directed by Roman Polanski and based on the play “God of Carnage” by Yasmina Reza (who also co-wrote the screenplay with the director), the 79-minute film will be shown four times today. Starring Jodie Foster, Kate Winslet and Christoph Waltz, the film takes place in one room of one apartment in Brooklyn. [Roman Polanski's latest film, "Carnage" Photo via]
Wednesday, October 5
“A Dangerous Method” — This 99-minute film explores the complex relationship between Carl Jung (played by Michael Fassbender) and Sigmund Freud (Viggo Mortensen). The psychodrama, directed by David Cronenberg, also stars Keira Knightley as Sabina Spielrein, a dangerous neurotic.
Friday, October 7
“Shame” — Another 99-minute film starring Michael Fassbender, this time as Brandon, a 30-something with a plethora of sexual issues. British director Steve McQueen helmed the film, which premiered at the Venice Film Festival to much acclaim.
Wednesday, October 12
“My Week With Marilyn” — Dame Judi Dench stars in the film alongside Michelle Williams as Marilyn Monroe. Based on two memoirs by Colin Clark (Eddie Redmayne), who worked as an assistant on the production of Laurence Olivier’s film “The Prince and the Showgirl,” “My Week With Marilyn” showcases the various clashes between the star and the director. [Photo of Michelle Williams as Marilyn Monroe. Photo via] “The Skin I Live In” — Pedro Almodovar blends horror and science fiction in his new 117-minute film. Antonio Banderas returns to the big screen as Dr. Robert Ledgard, a renowned plastic surgeon who’s championing new, tougher skin, but the good doctor isn’t who he seems. He’s keeping a patient locked up in his mansion and subjecting her to a bizarre regime of treatments.
Friday, October 14
“The Artist” — It’s black and white and silent, two things long outdated in film for many decades. It’s Hollywood, 1927. Talkies are coming and silent movie star George Valentin (Jean Dujardin) questions whether the advent of sound will ruin his career.
Sunday, October 16
“The Descendents” — Based on the novel by Kaui Hart Hemmings, “The Descendants” stars Clooney as Matt King, the heir of a Hawaiian land-owning family. His life flips upside down when his wife is severely injured in a boating accident and he’s left to care for the kids, a role that’s foreign to him. Directed by Alexander Payne (of “Sideways), this film closes the festival. [Photo via]
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