Simply Vera is Simply Sucky

by guestofaguest · September 5, 2007


    So everyone's been chatting for weeks now about Simply Vera, the lower priced shit line that Vera Wang designed for Kohl's in following with the new trend of designers putting their names on crap clothes for the masses.  This Oprah-promoted (of course) debut gave thousands of women throughout the midwest something to get excited about, which we are all for.  What we are not for? Said women thinking that what they are buying is quality fashion because it's designed by Ms. Wang, when in actuality it's crap as we expected.

    Fact: Kohl's sucks.  Have you ever been inside of one? Because we have and it wasn't our favorite memory.  It's basically a good place to find socks.

    Fact: Anything can look and sound good when photographed well and sporting the backing of a well known designer.  We will be the first to admit that the Wizard of Oz styled ads that the line did were good. (Pictured above).

    Fact: The clothes do NOT look like that in real life.  How could they? We are still perplexed by how someone could believe they are getting a bargain on a $50 jacket.  You get what you pay for people.  In life, and at Kohl's.

    So in conclusion we would like to leave you with some photos of what the line looks like in a real life store. (Thanks to who was kind enough to waste their time going to Jersey to document it for us).  It is cheaply made crap as we suspected.  Happy Shopping!



    [photos from Racked]