Devin Goda - Wilhelmina

Background: Devin is 25 years old – from Pittsburgh and attended a small school. He played for the Baltimore Ravens, up until he unfortunately ended up tearing his ACL. A New York agency found him through Football and wanted to sign him. Devin decided to move to New York to begin modeling.
Where You Can Spot Him: Marquee, Up & Down, Catch, and Hillstone. He Loves NYC because every night is a Friday night.
Favorite Cheat Meal: A Magnolia's brownie cheesecake for his big sweet tooth!
What Makes Him Swipe Right?: Devin is single and enjoying life. He loves it when people approach him, he finds confidence sexy!
Favorite Destination: Barbados
Goals for the future: Devin plans to grow his modeling career, eventually move to LA and pursue acting.
Follow him! @dgoda85

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