Where are some of your favorite places to go out and how have they evolved?

Where are some of your favorite places to go out and how have they evolved? I’ve evolved ‘cause I’ve gotten old, so I’m not really a nightclubber anymore. So I tend to wake up at 6 in the morning. I’m not the same person I was. I tend to gravitate toward restaurants, really. Which ones? My favorite right now is Estela, which I love. My friend Igancio Mattos is a great chef. It’s on Houston and Mulberry. I love Danny Bowien, who’s a friend, who has Mission Chinese – he has a great new spot, Mission Cantina, which I love. I’m kind of a foodie. I love San Francisco, I go there a lot. I know a lot of food people in San Francisco and LA. I spend a lot of time [in LA], also. I feel like San Fran is having an emerging scene now. I say San Francisco is leading America right now. Especially in the tech world... In every world. In sustainability too – I just feel like the vibe in San Francisco is super interesting. I like San Francisco a lot.
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