The Chicest Singles Mixer In NYC This Valentine's Day

by Stephanie Maida · January 29, 2018

    In the age of instant gratification, DM-inducing Thirst Traps, and dating apps, singles mixers seem like a thing of the past - or at least, something your mother keeps suggesting you go to at the local synagogue.

    Nevertheless, the day of hearts and chocolate is looming and despite exhausting all these digital avenues, you are, of course, still single. Maybe some IRL face time is just what you need.

    Leave it to The Staycationers, the hotel-hopping team of sharp, witty creatives, to turn an old school dating ritual into something chic, cool, and modern. This V-Day weekend, they're throwing an uber exclusive (yet distinctly inclusive) singles bash at a secret location, though we do know it's in partnership with SIXTY Hotels. And trust us, this won't be your mother's mixer.

    Staycationers founder (and professional booze aficionado), Céline Bossart, and her crew wanted to host a fun Valentine's Day party with purpose. So along with some social lubrication provided by single malt whiskey, the event will also benefit an organization supporting single parents. 

    And while there is an application process required in order to snag an invite, Céline just wants to get some awesome people together. "Usually our events are geared toward media and influencers, but for this one, I'm really hoping to bring cool, earnest people together from all industries. I'm in this to foster the kind of environment that welcomes all races, gender identities, sexual orientations, and personalities while speaking to everyone's common denominator: the subconscious human desire to find some degree of love and companionship. Honestly, if the end result here is just one meaningful match in any capacity, then I'd consider that a massive success. At the very least, it'll be just damn good networking."

    Female-identifying folks and POC, this is guaranteed to be a safe space. Seriously, Céline does not fuck around. "The application process allows us to simultaneously determine strategic matches and make sure that each person who makes the cut is genuine and most importantly not likely to treat a match with any kind of disrespect. In other words, no fuckboys allowed. Also, we're giving priority to female-identifying applicants and minorities because that's the way everything should be these days."


    To apply and get more details, head HERE!

    [Photos by Meredith Truax, Leslie Kirchhoff]