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What inspired you to do #YogaPoseOfTheDay on Instagram?

Well, I was doing yoga on social media a lot, so then I thought, "Why don't I teach a pose every single day?" I didn't think it would be that big of a deal, but then I did a couple of wacky ones and I realized how long 365 days really was. It ended up being quite a challenge because I wanted to do something that was fun and interesting, and my husband was always laughing at me because I was always going outside looking for something to climb up to do a pose. My husband actually got them all printed up into a little book that we have at home. It was to show that yoga can be done anywhere. The whole purpose is to show you can have time for fitness, no matter what. I'm a busy mom, I don't have enough time to go to the gym for and hour and a half every day. But in my book, I have these things called "Found Moment Exercises," which shows exercise routines you can do if you have a spare five minutes in your day to do abs or quads, or how can I incorporate my fitness routine into when I'm playing with my child, or sitting at my computer. These challenges are about becoming a little bit more mindful and active every single day.

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