I’m sure you’ve had quite a hectic week with the film’s theatrical premiere coming up this Friday, what have been some of the highlights?

I’m sure you’ve had quite a hectic week with the film’s theatrical premiere coming up this Friday, what have been some of the highlights? Studio 54 It’s just been a crazy time gearing up for a launch, trying to get the word out there. This always takes some creative teamwork, so that’s basically what I’ve been doing. I’m kind of dealing with its release across North America at the same time. There’s a somewhat smaller, fitting to our population size, release going on in Canada. I’ve been more hands on with that kind of thing. It’s been fun, been on a lot of interviews. I’ve been on CBC radio. Different things that would mean something for a near Canadian. The film is going to be at an open roof festival in Toronto near the lake. It’s really just a lot of coordinating that stuff. I feel like I should be living a more glamorous life. I’ve been shopping! Shopping for new jackets, you know with the disco thing you don’t want to be too literal. I mean your tempted to, and I did get a white jacket, but what if people hate the movie and what if they hate you and then you're sitting there on top of it in this ridiculous disco outfit. [Photo via]
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