Everything from the clothes to the toys available on Maisonette is chic. What goes into curating the products on your end?

Syl: We knew from our own experiences as shoppers many of the brands and retailers with whom we are partnered, and it’s been an incredibly enjoyable part of the process to be able to find new sources. We aggregate as much quality product as possible while maintaining a curated and edited point of view to ensure Maisonette is a one-stop shop for children’s clothing, accessories, and home. 

Lu: The genius of our retail model is that we have these exceptional resources from around the world, so you can buy hand-embroidered dresses from Los Encajeros in Spain, 100% organic cotton onesies for your newborn from Bebe Organic, and something completely unique, like a backpack from Brooklyn-based brand STATE bags, who donate one fully stocked backpack to a child in need in America for every backpack you purchase.

[Photo via @maisonetteworld]

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