Jennifer Justice

by Christie Grimm · October 24, 2019

    There could be no more fitting a name for Jennifer Justice. A lawyer who's uniquely built herself into a true force of influence, her company The Justice Dept is a female focused advisory, consulting and law firm advocating for female founders, talent, executives and brands. As their Instagram so brilliantly puts it, they "represent bo$$ ladies to make them 💰💰." Obviously, takes a boss lady to help a boss lady!

    Who inspires you?
    Every woman that walks the walk - who really embodies gender equality in their day to day lives. 

    What do you hope to inspire in other women?
    I hope to inspire other women to do the same because if we don't, we won't be financially equal to men as a gender for 200 years. That is too long.

    Is there an example you can share of how another woman has lifted you up>
    Other women have definitely lifted me up. I have a very tight group of friends that keep me from making bad decisions and also help me when confidence may be low.

    How has confidence played a role in your life?
    I don't know a woman where it doesn't - I was always told it wasn't my job as a woman to be successful, go to college and have a career. I have to remind myself daily that I am worth it.

    What's the best part of your job?
    That the Justice Dept can make a real impact on women's lives. Money doesn't bring happiness but it does bring stability, peace of mind, confidence and self worth when you get what you deserve and have the financial freedom to make choices that better serve your life and your future. 

    What are you most proud of?
    Living the non-traditional life that I do, against all norms - going to college when it wasn't done in my family, having kids on my own and starting this business.

    What has been the most useful advice you've received? 
    I always refer to Cindy Gallop and Moj Mahdara who each gave me similar advice - when you don't have the confidence to go for something, just think, what would a straight white man do, and do that - or as Moj puts it, 'What would Dick do?'

    What's the best advice you'd like to offer other women?
    To other women, don't think you have to do it along - hire the people around you that can help propel success!

    What is your motto or mantra?
    Walk the walk - this world is not meant for bystanders.

    What are you most excited for next?
    Equality of women. 

    [Photo by Yumi Matsuo]