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3. HOW To Leave

Ease: I never go anywhere I can’t get out of. For the same reason I won’t go skydiving, I won’t go so to a party in Queens. You can’t rely on anyone these days, not even an Uber driver!! (I’d link all the Uber rape articles here but don’t want to distract you from what’s important.) When I lived in the mountains of North Carolina, I had an uber jealous boyfriend. He would drive me to parties, then leave in a fury, leaving me stranded, whenever he’d catch me dancing with someone else (or a futon, or myself). I couldn’t drive at the time, so I’d be forced to get a ride home with another guy. The arguments that followed broke all the vessels around my eyes. I came to my senses, ditched him and that crappy middle-of-nowhere town. Make sure you can easily ditch any place, no matter the time or your cash flow.
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