The End isn't the End

Marathon WrapsCongratulations!! You've just finished the last 2/10ths of a mile in Central Park. Right after the finish line, a volunteer will put a medal around your neck. Then look out for photographers who put you in front of a backdrop and will take your picture with your medal. Next, grab a wrap. You're going to get cold really quick. There's also a refuel bag offered, with an apple, pretzels, gatorade, etc. Unfortunately, you have to walk almost 20 blocks after the race is over. You can sit for a couple minutes if you need, but if you checked a bag at the start you aren't able to exit the park until 81st on the West Side. There's a subway stop right there (Museum of Natural History) - hop on - there's no way to get a cab. [Photo via @lscott0012]
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