Every Woman In Manhattan Is Single, And It's Their Fault

by Courtney McGowan · January 24, 2012

    It's the story that never ends, forever to be recycled over and over again by journalists to remind women that they will, indeed, die alone.  Apparently there's now a silver lining to this disconcerting tale; turns out there are more never-married single men in NYC than women between the ages 20 and 34.

    According to Single Bee and census data, there are 742,400 single men in NYC in the 20-34 subgroup, and 729,000 women.

    Furthermore, the ratio of men to women varies greatly by neighborhood, with the Upper East Side having the most females (2:1) and Jackson Heights having 1.7 males for every female.

    So, if you want to get married, you have to move to Jackson Heights.  Everything has a price.

    What this also means, ladies, is that the jig is up.  You can no longer blame the gender imbalance (53% female, 47% male) on the fact that you're depressed and alone.  Now, it unfortunately might just be because you're incapable of being loved by anyone and destined for a life of despair.

    Or maybe, just go with me here, most men living in a city like New York would rather not be in a committed relationship before the age of 30, while most women tend to want to settle down.  Science and what not.

    Add in the fact that NYC is the 58th best city to find love in, rightfully losing to bustling metropolises like Omaha, NE, Chandler, AZ, and Plano, TX (the heroin capital of the U.S.)- one could only be so lucky to be a female living in this treasure trove of single males that simply haven't meet the right girl yet, right?
