New Yorkers Have Some *Thoughts* About This Whole Bagel Debate

by Stephanie Maida · March 10, 2021

    On Monday, March 8th, the New York Times woke up and chose violence.

    It was the day that shook New York, a city betrayed by its own Gray Lady, its hometown newspaper of record. It was the day the New York Times said, "California's bagels are better than New York's."

    Cue gasps of shock and horror. Women fainting. Babies crying. Jewish bakers ripping off their aprons. A travesty!

    While we don't blame the writer of the piece here - we know it's all too easy to get dazzled by the West Coast sun - and while we're sure Californians need bagels and lox, too, the bold statement certainly sent New Yorkers into a defensive tizzy, reigniting the age-old rivalry between the two coasts. 

    Here's what our fellow residents had to say: