Your Bathtub

While waking up on your bathroom floor might be a horrible sign that you need to stand your mess of a self up and take a good, long look in the mirror - waking up in your bathtub? Well, that's just a sign of a night well done, totally one you can laugh about. And major props to you if you had the forethought to grab yourself a pillow.  

Needless to say, kicking about in last night's heels means you're going to find all kinds of gems on your cell. Photos, texts, evidence of 20 minute long Facetimes with a person you should just assume you'll never be able to talk to again. Find the energy to pull yourself up and get on the phone ASAP, and cancel all your foreseeable plans for the future, because you will most definitely be too busy laughing your ass off to even consider doing anything else.

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