There's No Better Way To Spend An Evening Than...

by Christie Grimm · June 6, 2018

    at the New York Philharmonic! Last evening's performance featuring Mozart's A Little Night Music and Tchaikovsky's Serenade for Strings was the perfect spring concert. With one final show of the program this evening, we'd highly suggest considering an impromptu cultural excursion out of your comfort zone!

    Not sure if you're the classical type? No such thing. Not sure if you can sit silently for an hour and a half? Well there's no right way to listen. With no distractions other than the harmonic push of the music, your thoughts are free to lose themselves, and find themselves. And trust us, our mind can wander like the best of them. How much do you think the best cellist makes per year? Sure everyone is all formally dressed up there on the stage now, but 9 out of 10 chance they're all in leggings and track pants at rehearsal. There has to be someone out there who was in 3rd grade orchestra with the lead violinist thinking to themselves, damn Sheryl - you?!?!

    No matter if you know when to clap or not (and really, no one actually knows when to clap), give the Philharmonic a try. There's the upcoming Concerts In The Parks series, which is a wonderful, free opportunity to give it a go. And even for the youths among you, the Lincoln Center Young Patrons are always planning something fun. Remember Kanye Meets Beethoven?

    And hey - if nothing else, it's a great excuse to dress up.

    [Photo via Facebook]