This Creepy-Cool Interactive Oracle Will Tell You Your Future At The Dream Downtown

by Stephanie Maida · December 20, 2018

    Wondering what's in store for 2019? Well, you're in luck. Like some chic version of the Zoltar machine in the classic Tom Hanks movie, Big, the Dream Downtown has unveiled a magical winter oracle that will answer questions about your future (but hopefully won't age you by like 20 years overnight).

    The innovative Mother Nature installation in the trendy hotel's lobby features a winter wonderland of a forest scene, with an oversized oracle head awakened by the touch of a digital screen. Just ask a question and wait for its mystical response. Created in partnership with pioneers of illusion, theory11, the experiential pop-up adds a touch of enchantment to the holiday season.

    Some things we'll be asking:

    Is that hot barista flirting with me or is he just being nice because I always feel pressured into giving him a 20% tip on the touchscreen?

    Will I be able to afford Michelle Obama's Balenciaga boots this year?

    Is Trump finally going to get impeached?

    You know, the important questions.

    [Photo by Fred Watford courtesy Dream Downtown]