Video: Hipster Cop Loses His Cool At Occupy Wall Street, Tells Former Le Tigre Member To Turn Music Down

by Chelsea Burcz · May 2, 2012

    Hipster Cop, the well dressed neighborhood watch dog of the youngsters protesting at Occupy Wall Street, broke his uber-coolness by having a little freak out (that was caught on tape) yesterday. Just as technicians were doing a soundcheck at an outdoor stage at Broadway and Stone for a permitted performance by self-described "protect band," and former Le Tigre alum, JD Samson & MEN, Detective Rick Lee stormed up yelling to turn the volume down by half and shouting at another protester to "shut up!" at the May Day rally. Check out the video after the jump...

    According to Gothamist, Shane Patrick, the event organizer who served as stage manager, has this to say:

    "'Hipster Cop' may dress like a reject from a Vampire Weekend cover band but anyone who watches this video can see he's more Andrew Dice Clay than Julian Casablancas. This particular instance of police harassment exemplifies the kind of treatment that New Yorkers have been facing from the police since Occupy Wall Street began... The people he's yelling at and pointing at off camera are members of JD Samson & MEN. He can be seen ordering the guitarist to play for him on command."

    Apparently Lee was just protecting the rights of those in the surrounding community.

    See the video of the confrontation below:

    Then watch JD Samson & MEN play: